New Episodes Bi-Weekly


Liz Lafferty
Liz Lafferty
Liz Lafferty
Liz Lafferty
I was thrilled to have a chat with Julian O'Shea - A Monash University Lecturer, as well as; social entrepreneur, humanitarian engineer and advocate for
Liz Lafferty
Liz sits down with Instructor John to have a chat about Learner drivers, parents, road rules and what many drivers do wrong!

Some MORE Aussie Road Rules you probably don’t know!

Liz Lafferty
Some MORE Aussie Road Rules you probably don't know!
Spiral Roundabouts

Mini Lesson. Spiral Roundabouts

Liz Lafferty
Mini Lesson. Spiral Roundabouts
Hero Casey Wright and Briahne Holland

Interview with a Hero – Casey Wright

Liz Lafferty
Interview with a Hero - Casey Wright

Motivate Me please Liz!

Liz Lafferty

Examiner Vs Instructor, what’s the REAL difference?

Liz Lafferty

Holiday Driving – Get there and back safely!

Liz Lafferty

Good Vs Bad Instructor

Liz Lafferty

What happens test day?

Liz Lafferty

Merging on the Motorway

Liz Lafferty

Liz is the instructor you have always wanted!

Subscribe for clear directions and information about learning to drive, from simple basics to complex maneuvers and so much more

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