New Episodes Bi-Weekly

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Lesson 44. Country Driving

Lesson 44. Country Driving. Driving outside the cities can be an exciting experience, but there are many differences between the driving styles needed in the country. In this episode, Instructor Liz gives her valuable tips on how to use your vision, what to do near trucks, and how to handle long drives. You are unauthorized…

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Driving Test Tips 2

Driving Test Tips 2. Instructor Liz gives more of her advice to make passing the practical driving test first go, much more likely! Her structured lessons have ensured that her pass rate has not fallen under 95% (first attempt) in the last 10 years, so by listening to this episode, you will understand why her……

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Lesson 43. Overtaking

Lesson 43. Overtaking. This can be one of the most dangerous procedures any driver can attempt, especially on the Open road. In this lesson, Instructor Liz will explain the procedure, and more importantly how to practice before attempting to do it at high speed on single laned rural roads. Required lesson knowledge before attempting this:……

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The Instructor Interviews: Sonia – mistakes parents make

Instructor Sonia joins Liz this week to talk about her experience as a parent teaching 2 of her children, then as an instructor teaching her other 2 kids! Both instructors talk about the more common mistakes parents/carers and supervising drivers make. This is a must listen episode for all parents new to supervising a learner……

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Lesson 42. The Safety Pyramid

Lesson 42. The Safety Pyramid. This lessons is an amalgam of many of Instructor Liz’s lessons. It should be listened to before attempting the test, but more importantly, before driving solo! Too many drivers learn “the hard way” by being involved in a crash, instead of learning early on in their driver training journey about:……

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Lesson 41. Motorway Driving

Lesson 41. Motorway Driving. Many drivers struggle with entering the motorway, and many learner drivers find it difficult to know which other vehicles they should be concerned about. In this episode, Instructor Liz will explain the procedure for joining the motorway, as well as how to exit safely. Remember your safety bubble when entering! Lesson……

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Lesson 40. Right turns at traffic lights

Lesson 40. Right turns at traffic lights. This is the procedure that at least 50% of fully licenced drivers do wrong! It can be a dangerous procedure if done incorrectly, and it’s one of the most common places for crashes to happen. Instructor Liz will explain clearly what the procedure is, and also what potential……

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Lesson 39. Left turn at traffic lights

Lesson 39. Left turn at traffic lights. Many drivers are confused when turning left at a set of traffic lights; Which cars do I have to give way to when I turn left at signals? Can we turn on the red light? Do I need a green arrow to go? What do I do at……

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Lesson 38. Parallel reverse parking

Lesson 38. Parallel reverse parking. This is one of the most requested lessons in preparation for the test. You will hear Instructor Liz’s 3 tips for getting your car in perfectly every time! You will also hear how to fix and adjust any mistakes.  To attempt this manouver, you must have excellent slow speed car control, hand over hand steering, and of course, great observation skills. Lessons required before attempting this; Lesson 2. Hand over hand steering, Lesson 3. Vision, Lesson 11. Slow speed car control, Lesson 15. Reversing.

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Lesson 37. 90 degree Angle Parking – Reversing in (Rear to kerb)

Lesson 39. 90 Degree Angle Parking – Reverse in (Rear to kerb).This procedure can become a favourite way to park for many drivers! Also, it’s the safer way to park, as you are coming out of the spot in drive and (hopefully) with better vision. Instructor Liz will talk you through the procedure so that you can stay calm and in control.

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Lesson 36. 90 Degree angle parking (nose to kerb)

Lesson 36. 90 Degree angle parking (front end in to space). Parking is one of the most difficult manouvers, as it requires very good slow speed car control, very fast steering and understanding how a car moves at strong angles. It can be very challenging to manouver a rectangle into a 90 degree angle space!……

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Lesson 35. Night Driving

Lesson 35. Night Driving. Driving at night for the first time can be a bit scary, but Instructor Liz has been helping driver feel confident while driving at night since 1997. Now she has recorded all her tips and tricks to help you as well. *An extra tip from Liz: Remember that driving at dawn and dusk have added risks; the position of the sun can be blinding at times, and animals (especially in Australia) are very active at dusk and dawn, so please take extra care!

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Lesson 34. Wet Weather Driving

Lesson 34. Wet weather driving.

Driving in the rain is necessary at times. When possible, drivers should avoid driving in conditions that are more likely to cause problems, but if you do have to drive in the rain, Instructor Liz has recorded some of her valuable tips so you can be confident in the rain. *Pro tip – Drivers who have not had experience driving in heavy rain during the day, should not attempt to drive in heavy rain at night. Your crash risk is much higher driving in wet conditions at night.

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Lesson 33. Threat assessment/Vision Boss Level!

Lesson 33. Vision Review and Threat assessment. This is an extremely important lesson for all drivers, as many of us get caught up with worrying about a single road user instead of understanding that we need to be aware of threats from all directions! In this episode, Instructor Liz will tell you how to identify threats, how to rate them and how to deal with them. Lesson information required for this episode: Lesson 3 The Most Important lesson, Lesson 4. Safety Bubble, Lesson 7. Early Decisions, Lesson 23. Traffic Drive Lesson 31. Lane Changing.

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Lesson 32. Slip lanes and turn bays

Lesson 32. Slip lanes and turn bays. Many drivers do not use the slip lanes and turning bays correctly. In this episode, Instructor Liz will explain how to use these lanes easily and with confidence. Lesson knowledge required for this topic: Lesson 31. Lane Changing

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Lesson 31. Lane Changing

Lesson 31. Lane Changing. Many drivers struggle with lane changing, but with Instructor Liz’s procedures and tips, you will feel confident gaining this new skill. Practice must be done on regular speed roads (60 KPH) before attempting it at higher speeds. Knowledge of Lessons required before listening to this: Lesson 6. Blind Spots and Lesson 9. Into and out of the kerb.

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Bonus Mini Lesson. Spiral Roundabouts

Spiral Roundabouts. They can be confusing for many drivers. In this free mini lesson, Instructor Liz will talk through the correct procedure to use this type of roundabout. These roundabouts have been catching test applicants by surprise when they are directed to use them on the test, and many have failed the practical driving test because the driver does not know how to use spiral roundabouts correctly!

It is recommended you listen to the Full lessons: 21. Roundabouts and 30. Multi-Laned Roundabouts to understand the procedures, road rule requirements, and listen to Liz’s extremely helpful tips for giving way correctly and dealing with other drivers at roundabouts.

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Lesson 30. Multi-Laned Roundabouts

Lesson 30. Multi-Laned Roundabouts. These roundabouts can be intimidating to many drivers, with the speed of other vehicles usually being faster than single laned roundabouts, and more vehicles to watch for. Instructor Liz will talk you through the procedure and how to deal with vehicles entering when they shouldn’t!

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Lesson 29. 45 degree angle parking

Lesson 29. 45 degree angle parking. Learn how to control the car when parking front to kerb and rear to kerb. This is a gentle start to learning how to park. Practice these techniques before learning to park in a shopping centre.

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Some Aussie Road rules you probably don’t know!

Australia has some weird and strange road rules (so do many countries!), in this episode Instructor Liz will explain some of the road rules many Aussie drivers are unaware of, or uncertain of.

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Lesson 28. Road signs and markings

Lesson 28. Road signs and markings. This is one of Liz’s favourite subjects! So many drivers miss spotting road signs, making driving more difficult and potentially dangerous! For students attempting the test, this episode is a must, as it can be the difference between passing easily, and failing from a mistake that would have been fixed by reading signs or markings!

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Lesson 27. Pedestrian Crossings

Lesson 27. Pedestrian Crossings. There are 6 types of pedestrian crossings, can you name 3? Other questions of ten asked; Do we need the pedestrian to be off the crossing before we drive through? Do I need to stop for a pedestrian waiting at a corner? What procedure do I need for the driving test? Instructor Liz will explain how to deal with all types of crossings in this episode.

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Lesson 26. Traffic Lights

Lesson 26. Traffic Lights. Do I have to stop for a yellow light? Which line do I stop at? How do I know when the lights are going to change? Instructor Liz will talk you through the valuable traffic light procedure, which can be the difference between passing and failing your test.

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Lesson 25. Using controls in traffic

Lesson 25. Using controls in traffic. How often should I check my speedo? When should I look in my mirrors? Do I need to use Neutral when stopped for a long time? Instructor Liz will answer all of these questions and more in this episode.

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Lesson 24. Turning onto main roads

Lesson 25. Turning onto main roads. Which lane should I exit in? How many lanes have to be free before I can turn? What if there are other vehicles waiting behind me? These are common questions when it comes to turning left or right onto multi-laned roads. In this lesson, Instructor Liz will talk you through the procedures to make it a safe and confident turn. 

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Lesson 23. Traffic Drive

Lesson 23. Traffic Drive. Learn how to observe the traffic around you, what to watch out for, what to do if something happens near you, and how to deal with tailgaters in traffic.

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Lesson 22. Hills and Bends

Lesson 22. Hills and Bends. Learn how to get a “sense of speed” and maintain a constant speed on hills. Why the warning signs are very important to pay attention to, and when to use pull-push steering on bends.

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Lesson 21. Roundabouts (single lane)

Lesson 21. Roundabouts (single lane). So many drivers are not confident at roundabouts ; who do I give way to according to the the road rules? How can I get on the roundabout when there is constant traffic from the right? How do I indicate? Where do I have to position my car? All of these questions and many more will be answered by Instructor Liz. She has all of the great tips and tricks, as well as the road rule information for using single laned roundabouts. This is one of her most popular lessons with Learners and Fully licenced drivers as well!

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Lesson 20. 3 Point Turns (Updated)

Lesson 20. Turn the car around! We have learnt how to perform a U-Turn, but what if the road isn’t wide enough? In this episode, Instructor Liz will talk you through the procedure, give you the tips to take less time to do it, and tell you what is required for the test.

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Lesson 19. Commentary Driving

Lesson 19. Commentary Driving. This is the one thing every driver can do to stay focused on the job of driving! It is also one of the best ways to keep the nerves under control on the test, as you will communicate to the examiner how mindfully you are driving, and how aware you are of the potential threats and hazards in your driving environment.

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Lesson 18. Emergency Braking

Lesson 18. Emergency Braking

How often have we had to go hard on the brakes to avoid a collision? Did you struggle to control the car? Were you able to have a gentle stop, or did the car slam to a stop? In this episode, Instructor Liz will explain how to control a fast brake procedure, as well as how to have a more gentle stop in an emergency.

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Lesson 17. Hill Starts

Lesson 17. Hill Starts.  Have you ever stopped on a hill, and worried about rolling backwards? Or worse, did you roll back when there was someone behind you? We can often panic in those situations, and make things worse! Instructor Liz will give you the simple technique to use when stopped on a hill, and with a bit of practice, you will never have to panic about having a vehicle behind you ever again!

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Bonus Lesson: How to fix problems before driving in traffic

Liz explains why you may still be making mistakes in the backstreets, and how to  fix them before heading into traffic. Cornering still a bit wide? Or is cutting corners the problem? Still jerking the wheel? Finding you can’t steer correctly when you want to? Jumping the car around? These are common problems with all learners. Listen to this episode to understand how they happen and how to fix them!

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Lesson 16. U-Turns

Lesson 16. U-Turns are the fastest and easiest of the manouvers, yet so many drivers end up making it a 3 point turn! Instructor Liz will give you clear instructions on how to do the manouver  easily and with control, so you don’t take extra time having to correct a mistake. Included for the Queensland drivers, is an explanation of the “U-Turns at intersections” that you may be required to demonstrate on your practical driving test

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Lesson 15. Reversing

Lesson 15. Reversing. Why do so many people get confused when reversing? Can I use my reversing camera on the driving test?  Do I need to steer in the opposite direction? Why do I keep getting the steering wrong when I reverse? Instructor Liz will make reversing simple to understand, and explain how the car moves when reversing. In this lesson, you will learn simple reversing and reversing out of a driveway.

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Lesson 14. Intersection Safety

Lesson 14. Intersection Safety. Or how to avoid being T-Boned! Although we don’t like to think of it, we need to be aware that other road users may not obey the road rules (or are simply distracted), and can put us in danger. In in this lesson, Instructor Liz will tell you what warning signs……

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Lesson 13. Stop Signs

Stop! Does it really mean stop? Do we count to 3 seconds? Where do we stop the car – at the sign or at the line? These are very common questions learners (and many experienced drivers) ask when facing a stop sign. Instructor Liz will make it clear; where to stop, how examiners can tell……

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Lesson 12. Block outs (Obstructed vision when driving)

Lesson 12. Block outs. Many times when driving we have our view obstructed: trucks, buildings, trees, road works, or it could be something as simple as a bend. But unless we can recognize the block out, how can we know we are safe to go? Instructor Liz will give you the procedure to be used……

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Lesson 11. Slow Speed Control

We all think that going really slow is easy, right? It’s not as easy as it sounds! Have you ever scared yourself in a carpark by going too fast and almost hitting something? Did you scrape your car on the kerb even though you thought you were going slow enough? When you were pulling out……

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Lesson 10. Cornering Basics

Who do I give way to at a corner? What steering do I use? Does my car position matter? Instructor Liz will answer all these questions (and many more that you didn’t even think of) when she explains why this everyday part of driving is so important to good driving habits, and passing the test……

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Lesson 20. 3 Point Turns

Lesson 20. 3 Point Turns, otherwise know as U-turns using forward and revers gears, is a procedure that should be learnt after gaining confidence in the light traffic areas. This procedure requires very good car control, and should only be attempted at very slow speeds, and with fast turning of the wheel. I have put……

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Lesson 9. Into and out of the kerb

This procedure is necessary to learn, as it is used not only on the practical driving test, but it is also the basis for lane change procedure. This must be practiced, so that it becomes a natural action when pulling into or out of the kerb.

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Lesson 8. Communicate

Communicating with other road users is one of the most important ways we can be confident when driving – if others know what we are doing, we are less likely to be worried about their reactions, that way, we can concentrate on our job of driving! Instructor Liz will give you the tools to use,……

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Lesson 7. Early Decisions

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Lesson 6. Blind Spots

Blind spots are areas around the vehicle that cannot be seen using mirrors alone, which is why it it so important to know where they are and how to check them correctly – especially on the driving test! Liz will explain exactly where they are, how to check them, and when it is required to……

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Lesson 5. Steering Part 2 Pull-Push

Lesson 5. Pull-Push steering. This steering is used for turning the wheel slowly. It is used for all general driving, including roundabouts, turns at lights and wide turns as well as bend steering. It will be a very difficult style of steering to turn the wheel quickly (don’t use on manouvers or sharp corners). From……

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Lesson 4. Safety Bubble

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Lesson 3. The most important lesson!

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Lesson 2. Steering Part 1 Hand over hand

Steering Part 1 Hand over Hand This is a great steering technique to use when needing to steer quickly. It is perfect for manouvers – U-turns, 3 point turns, parking, and also for sharp back street corners. This steering style is widely regarded as being “against the law” or “not able to control the wheel”, ……

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Lesson 1. Car controls/Starting and Stopping

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Anxious Drivers

This episode is specially created for anxious drivers.

I have had many nervous and anxious students in my car, and most of them have had the same worries and concerns about learning to drive:

What will my instructor be like?

Will they yell at me if I make a mistake?

What if I crash the car?

What about all the other cars around me?

Sound familiar? Yes, deep down, we humans are very alike with our fears….

This episode is designed to first of all; calm you down, then trigger better feelings about driving.

Learning to drive, or driving in difficult situations (for the fully licenced drivers) shouldn’t be scary, it should be a calm and satisfying experience. Feeling good that you have accomplished something you previously thought you couldn’t do!

Listen to this episode to feel more confident and less anxious behind the wheel.

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